
All images are the sole property of the moderator. You are welcome to enjoy but please respect international copyright law.

Friday 22 January 2010

This obviously isn't my picture.  Like most people, I am blessed that it is not my life.  Choose your means or methods.  Choose your charity.  Do what you can for those who have less.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

The Animal Kingdom

Nature's diversity easily wins out over makeup and great lighting.  Not to mention the camera loves animals almost as much as it loves children.  Most of God's creatures don't have a "bad side".


What dogs?  I don't see any dogs.

                                      The camera adds a few pounds.


Watch yer step.  I've already killed once!

Would you trust this cat?

Sunday 3 January 2010

Little People

While it may be difficult to corral adults for candid photo sessions, kids are rarely a problem.  Pictures like these are one of the reasons I go nowhere without a camera anymore.  I also make a point of always having business cards handy to ensure the parents have my contact information.   Not only does this break the ice when requesting permission to photograph someone else's kids, it guarantees an opportunity for me to return the favour by forwarding copies of my best shots to them.

All of these shots were candid.  And most were completely unexpected.  Even for me.  Just a moment that screamed "catch me if you can."  I was lucky because I was prepared.  It's not always that way.