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Friday 12 November 2010

OLYMPUS DSLR Cameras, I Am In Crisis

Olympus has just introduced an update to their professional DSLR camera line called the E-5.

                                                           (Not my Picture)

I want one.  I want one real bad.
Can I afford it?
Do I need it?
Can I justify it?
I'm torn.

It's bad enough that I appear to be one of only two people in the greater Metropolitan Toronto area who is sticking with Olympus DSLR equipment (I talked the other guy into it).
I'm finding it very difficult to avoid the tug to buy this latest gadget that Olympus has put out there.

So what do I do?  Every time I'm spending too much time looking at advertisements for the E-5, I pick up one of my two E-510 cameras, each now almost 4 years old, and am quickly reminded of why I bought them in the first place.
                                                              (Not my Picture)

 I still think this little tough as nails model is the best thing Olympus, or any other recognized name brand (and you know who they are), has come up with for the money to date.  Until something new comes on the market that just blows this out of the water, I'm perfectly content with what I have and don't intend to do more than look at the pretty pictures of what is, ostensibly, new and improved.

Olympus has never held a substantial market share in North America and Canada in particular.  I'm not really certain why that is as they are acknowledged even by the competition as producing incredible optics and exceptionally durable hardware.

I've had my 510's in every kind of weather and extremes of temperature.
Far (Really far.  Seriously.) beyond what they are designed for.

Just in case anyone is interested.
Here is a link to the Olympus website in Canada.

1 comment:

Michael W said...

Good for you, Robby! Resist the urge to make your camera obsolete just because Olympus suggests you do so with their new offering.

On that note, take a look at The Story of Electronics for a discussion of why "designed for the dump" is toxic for people and the planet.